[. . . ] This retention system has been classified as “UNIVERSAL” according to stricter conditions than those that are applied to previous designs that do not carry this warning. CONGRATULATIONS PARENTS CASUALPLAY would like to thank you for purchasing this safety seat. This product has been designed, manufactured and approved in accordance with the strictest safety regulations. It has been designed for easy installation and use, but we need your collaboration to ensure it is installed correctly and functions perfectly. [. . . ] €¢ Only the cover supplied by the seat manufacturer should be used, as it is an important part of the product. 12 CAREFULLY READ THESE INSTRUCTIONS Group 1 (9 - 18 kgs) Fitting the safety car seat in forward-facing position with a three-point car safety belt (see illustrations 1a - 6a) • Fit the child seat on the front or rear seat of the car (fig. €¢ Ensure that the belt tensioner is in its highest position. €¢ Adjustment of the crotch strap: Press the adjuster and at the same time place it into the desired position (fig. GROUP 2 (15 - 25 kgs) Fitting the safety car seat in forward-facing position with a three-point safety belt (car seat belt) (see illustrations 1b - 3b) The child will never be fixed with the safety car seat harness straps, but only with the three point car belt. €¢ Install the child seat on the front or rear seat of the car in the lowest position (sitting), never reclined. Rotate the guide to the desired position, making sure that there are no kinks or twists in the car seat belt. Harness adjustment to child growth (see illustrations 1c - 2c) • Use the knobs placed on both sides of the car seat to adjust the shoulder straps (fig. NOTE: It is only possible to adjust the harness height by using the side handles, do not alter the height by changing the position of the harness using the slots on the rear part of the seat. Harness adjustment (see illustration 3c) • It is recommended to adjust harness length to child size before fitting the child seat in car. To tighten the shoulder straps, pull at the end of the belt to the tensor straps TMS until getting the adjustment wished (A). To slacken the shoulder straps press the TMS in the B arrow direction and pull the shoulder straps with the other hand. Then loosen the abdominal belt by pressing the red button of the safety buckle (B). NOTE: Harness must be reasonably tight, it should restrain but not make child uncomfortable. The importance of ensuring that any lap strap is worn low down, so that the pelvis is firmly engaged, shall be stressed. 13 Recline (see illustration 4c) • The AUTOPLAY seat can easily change position from upright to recline with only one hand by using the adjustment handle at the front of the seat. A “click” sound will confirm that child seat is locked in the right position. Fastening buckle according to the model (see illustrations 5c - 6c) • To close the harness buckle, check shoulder straps are not twisted , joint the two parts and introduce them into the female part with red button and push until to hear a “click” sound. Removing the harness (diagrams A - F) • Loosen the harness by pressing the rear part of the TMS downwards and pulling the chest straps underneath the protectors with the other hand (fig. €¢ Take the two ends of the harness out of the distribution bar (Fig. [. . . ] See diagram K) • Loosen the harness by pressing the rear part of the TMS downwards and pulling the chest straps underneath the protectors with the other hand. €¢ Release the elastic bands on both sides situated underneath the frame. €¢ Follow the same steps in reverse order to fit the upholstery. NOTE: Never take out the interior protection in the absorbent material. [. . . ]